blenducate academic institution

There has never been a more exciting time for your child to join our wonderful,vibrant educational establishment. We aim to give all our students the best possible start in life and that means inspiring them with our teaching to progress and learn every single day they are with us.   In our school we focus on understanding what motivates young people to learn and share their knowledge and facilitate and sustain learning situations that require young people to discover how to do things. This we believe is an essential ingredient for the preparation of young people for life in today’s world.

There has never been a more exciting time for your child to join our wonderful,vibrant educational establishment. We aim to give all our students the best possible start in life and that means inspiring them with our teaching to progress and learn every single day they are with us.   In our school we focus on understanding what motivates young people to learn and share their knowledge and facilitate and sustain learning situations that require young people to discover how to do things. This we believe is an essential ingredient for the preparation of young people for life in today’s world.


core learning

Blenducate aims to cater for children of all abilities in primary and secondary education. We focus on the core subjects of English, Maths and Science.

Blenducate aims to cater for children of all abilities in primary and secondary education. We focus on the core subjects of English, Maths and Science.

5 to 7 years old

Key Stage 1  Years 1 & 2

Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Times: 9.30am to 2.30pm

Fees: £185 /month (£60/week)

We use a combination of Montessori methods and the National Curriculum to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping students with a strong command of speaking and writing. We ensure students acquire a rich vocabulary and understanding of grammar to strengthen their linguistic knowledge.
Focusing on mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value we work with the four operations, numerals and words, by using both concrete and abstract materials and a simple to more complex approach. Geometry and measures are also explored, additionally, number bonds and times tables are taught and consolidated by the end of year two.
Building on the Early years Foundation Stage we make sure children can sound and blend unfamiliar words quickly. Reading is taught phonetically by using the Montessori curriculum for reading, our aim is to allow children to learn through understanding, rather than being told, enabling children to develop confidence and a joy in learning. Reading is consolidated further through our Jelly and Bean reading scheme which follows the phonic progression of the government’s Letters and Sounds.
5 to 7 years old
5 to 7 years old

Key Stage 1  Years 1 & 2


Time: 9.30am to 2.30pm

Fees: £185 /month (£60/week)

We use a combination of Montessori methods and the National Curriculum to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping students with a strong command of speaking and writing. We ensure students acquire a rich vocabulary and understanding of grammar to strengthen their linguistic knowledge.
Focusing on mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value we work with the four operations, numerals and words, by using both concrete and abstract materials and a simple to more complex approach. Geometry and measures are also explored, additionally, number bonds and times tables are taught and consolidated by the end of year two.
Building on the Early years Foundation Stage we make sure children can sound and blend unfamiliar words quickly. Reading is taught phonetically by using the Montessori curriculum for reading, our aim is to allow children to learn through understanding, rather than being told, enabling children to develop confidence and a joy in learning. Reading is consolidated further through our Jelly and Bean reading scheme which follows the phonic progression of the government’s Letters and Sounds.
5 to 7 years old
Ages 8 to 9

Key Stage 2 (Lower) Years 3/4

Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Times: 9.30am to 2.30pm

Fees: £185 /month (£60/week)

English: Using the National Curriculum guidelines we aim to strengthen students decoding of words and comprehension skills, as well enhancing their vocabulary and writing. We build on a variation of grammar techniques within writing and also handwriting and spelling practice.

Guided Reading: Using a scheme of work which uses a wide variety of genres, both fiction and non-fiction, our guided reading sessions allow children to access, interpret and understand what they are reading. This increases the child’s knowledge of why certain words are chosen by an author and gives the reader a chance to speculate on the tone and purpose of texts. The five thinking and reasoning skills students are taught are: literal thinking; deductive reasoning; inferential skills; evaluative assessment of texts; and study skills which promote wider independent study.

Using the same scheme of work throughout the key stages, we aim to improve children’s knowledge of whole numbers, the four operations, understanding number facts and the concept of place value. We aim to enhance problem solving skills and develop mathematical reasoning so students can analyse shape and their properties.
During Key Stage 2 students will learn about a wider range of living things, materials and phenomena. They will be encouraged to make links between ideas and explain things using models and theories. Knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas to familiar phenomena, everyday things and their personal health will be applied. Systematic investigations will be carried out, working on their own and with others and using a range of reference sources for their work. Students will be encouraged to talk about their work and its significance, and communicate ideas using a wide range of scientific language, conventional diagrams, charts and graphs.
In Project Based Learning, students learn by actively engaging in real-world and meaningful cross curricular projects.

They work over an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge. Students will demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation. As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills.

Sports: Students are encouraged to be active, using their creativity and imagination in physical activities to learn new skills. Students communicate, collaborate and compete with each other, develop an understanding of how to succeed in different activities and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success. Students will consolidate their existing skills and gain new ones and perform actions and skills with more consistent control and quality.

Crafts: A Highly engaging course, students are encouraged to inspire each other and challenge themselves, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Students critically develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design throughout the year and use a range of materials and techniques to create their own masterpieces. Working with different materials from wood, glass to clay, and engaging in a range of art techniques by using colour, patterns, texture and shape, students produce creative works of art by exploring ideas and recording their experiences along the way.

Ages 8 to 9
Ages 8 to 9

Key Stage 2 (Lower) Years 3/4

Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Times: 9.30am to 2.30pm

Fees: £185 /month (£60/week)

English: Using the National Curriculum guidelines we aim to strengthen students decoding of words and comprehension skills, as well enhancing their vocabulary and writing. We build on a variation of grammar techniques within writing and also handwriting and spelling practice.

Guided Reading: Using a scheme of work which uses a wide variety of genres, both fiction and non-fiction, our guided reading sessions allow children to access, interpret and understand what they are reading. This increases the child’s knowledge of why certain words are chosen by an author and gives the reader a chance to speculate on the tone and purpose of texts. The five thinking and reasoning skills students are taught are: literal thinking; deductive reasoning; inferential skills; evaluative assessment of texts; and study skills which promote wider independent study.

Using the same scheme of work throughout the key stages, we aim to improve children’s knowledge of whole numbers, the four operations, understanding number facts and the concept of place value. We aim to enhance problem solving skills and develop mathematical reasoning so students can analyse shape and their properties.
During Key Stage 2 students will learn about a wider range of living things, materials and phenomena. They will be encouraged to make links between ideas and explain things using models and theories. Knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas to familiar phenomena, everyday things and their personal health will be applied. Systematic investigations will be carried out, working on their own and with others and using a range of reference sources for their work. Students will be encouraged to talk about their work and its significance, and communicate ideas using a wide range of scientific language, conventional diagrams, charts and graphs.
In Project Based Learning, students learn by actively engaging in real-world and meaningful cross curricular projects.

They work over an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge. Students will demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation. As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills.

Sports: Students are encouraged to be active, using their creativity and imagination in physical activities to learn new skills. Students communicate, collaborate and compete with each other, develop an understanding of how to succeed in different activities and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success. Students will consolidate their existing skills and gain new ones and perform actions and skills with more consistent control and quality.

Crafts: A Highly engaging course, students are encouraged to inspire each other and challenge themselves, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Students critically develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design throughout the year and use a range of materials and techniques to create their own masterpieces. Working with different materials from wood, glass to clay, and engaging in a range of art techniques by using colour, patterns, texture and shape, students produce creative works of art by exploring ideas and recording their experiences along the way.

Ages 8 to 9
Ages 9 to 11

Key Stage 2 (Upper) Years 5/6

Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Times: 9.30am to 2.30pm

Fees: £185 /month (£60/week)

English: Students are exposed to a range of genres and text types, such as non- fiction writing, stories, poetry and more, in order to increase their fluency as readers, writers and their comprehension. A range of literacy devices and grammar techniques and vocabulary is explored, children will be able to reflect and understand the purpose of their writing, audience. And a deeper understanding of sentence structure will be taught.

Guided Reading: Using a scheme of work which uses a wide variety of genres, both fiction and non-fiction, our guided reading sessions allow children to access, interpret and understand what they are reading. This increases the child’s knowledge of why certain words are chosen by an author and gives the reader a chance to speculate on the tone and purpose of texts. The five thinking and reasoning skills students are taught are: literal thinking; deductive reasoning; inferential skills; evaluative assessment of texts; and study skills which promote wider independent study.

Students will extend their understanding of the number system and place value. They will develop connections between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio. Students will be exposed to a wider range of problem solving, including properties of numbers and arithmetic, including a more efficient method of both written and mental calculations. Algebra will also be introduced to students as a means to solve problems and geometry and shape will extend their knowledge in number.
During Key Stage 2 students will learn about a wider range of living things, materials and phenomena. They will be encouraged to make links between ideas and explain things using models and theories. Knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas to familiar phenomena, everyday things and their personal health will be applied. Systematic investigations will be carried out, working on their own and with others and using a range of reference sources for their work. Students will be encouraged to talk about their work and its significance, and communicate ideas using a wide range of scientific language, conventional diagrams, charts and graphs.

In Project Based Learning, students learn by actively engaging in real-world and meaningful cross curricular projects.

They work over an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge. Students will demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation. As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills.

Sports: Students are encouraged to be active, using their creativity and imagination in physical activities to learn new skills. Students communicate, collaborate and compete with each other, develop an understanding of how to succeed in different activities and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success. Students will consolidate their existing skills and gain new ones and perform actions and skills with more consistent control and quality.

Crafts: A Highly engaging course, students are encouraged to inspire each other and challenge themselves, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Students critically develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design throughout the year and use a range of materials and techniques to create their own masterpieces. Working with different materials from wood, glass to clay, and engaging in a range of art techniques by using colour, patterns, texture and shape, students produce creative works of art by exploring ideas and recording their experiences along the way.

Ages 9 to 11
Ages 9 to 11

Key Stage 2 (Upper) Years 5/6

Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Times: 9.30am to 2.30pm

Fees: £185 /month (£60 /week)

English: Students are exposed to a range of genres and text types, such as non- fiction writing, stories, poetry and more, in order to increase their fluency as readers, writers and their comprehension. A range of literacy devices and grammar techniques and vocabulary is explored, children will be able to reflect and understand the purpose of their writing, audience. And a deeper understanding of sentence structure will be taught.

Guided Reading: Using a scheme of work which uses a wide variety of genres, both fiction and non-fiction, our guided reading sessions allow children to access, interpret and understand what they are reading. This increases the child’s knowledge of why certain words are chosen by an author and gives the reader a chance to speculate on the tone and purpose of texts. The five thinking and reasoning skills students are taught are: literal thinking; deductive reasoning; inferential skills; evaluative assessment of texts; and study skills which promote wider independent study.

Students will extend their understanding of the number system and place value. They will develop connections between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio. Students will be exposed to a wider range of problem solving, including properties of numbers and arithmetic, including a more efficient method of both written and mental calculations. Algebra will also be introduced to students as a means to solve problems and geometry and shape will extend their knowledge in number.
During Key Stage 2 students will learn about a wider range of living things, materials and phenomena. They will be encouraged to make links between ideas and explain things using models and theories. Knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas to familiar phenomena, everyday things and their personal health will be applied. Systematic investigations will be carried out, working on their own and with others and using a range of reference sources for their work. Students will be encouraged to talk about their work and its significance, and communicate ideas using a wide range of scientific language, conventional diagrams, charts and graphs.

In Project Based Learning, students learn by actively engaging in real-world and meaningful cross curricular projects.

They work over an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge. Students will demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation. As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills.

Sports: Students are encouraged to be active, using their creativity and imagination in physical activities to learn new skills. Students communicate, collaborate and compete with each other, develop an understanding of how to succeed in different activities and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success. Students will consolidate their existing skills and gain new ones and perform actions and skills with more consistent control and quality.

Crafts: A Highly engaging course, students are encouraged to inspire each other and challenge themselves, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Students critically develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design throughout the year and use a range of materials and techniques to create their own masterpieces. Working with different materials from wood, glass to clay, and engaging in a range of art techniques by using colour, patterns, texture and shape, students produce creative works of art by exploring ideas and recording their experiences along the way.

Ages 9 to 11
Ages 11 to 13

Key Stage 3 Years 7/8

Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Times: 9.30am to 2.30pm

Fees: £195 /month (£62 /week)

Students will now be working towards creating and developing skills and techniques which they will need for their GCSEs exams. They will be exposed to a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts. They will learn new vocabulary, make inferences from texts and use evidence to support their answers. Understand the purpose, audience and context for what they are writing. They will be exposed to a variety of figurative language techniques and understand how this, along with vocabulary, grammar, text structure and organisational features can present meaning. They will be able to recognise poetic conventions and make critical comparisons of different texts.
The Key Stage 3 Maths course is taught in a simple but logical way, building understanding and fundamentals of the new math curriculum. Using the same scheme of work throughout the key stages, this course will support future GCSE examination studies.

The Maths course has a truly differentiated structure so that it is accessible to all abilities. The emphasis on visible progression and engagement, along with direct links to online software, will bring maths alive.

The KS3 Science course meets the requirements of the National Curriculum. It provides students with an excellent introduction to the sciences and offers an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills required for further study at GCSE or IGCSE. The course follows an integrated and progressive approach to all three sciences.

Sports: Students are encouraged to be active, using their creativity and imagination in physical activities to learn new skills. Students communicate, collaborate and compete with each other, develop an understanding of how to succeed in different activities and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success. Students will consolidate their existing skills and gain new ones and perform actions and skills with more consistent control and quality.

Crafts: A highly engaging course, students are encouraged to inspire each other and challenge themselves, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Students critically develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design throughout the year and use a range of materials and techniques to create their own masterpieces. Working with different materials from wood, glass to clay, and engaging in a range of art techniques by using colour, patterns, texture and shape, students produce creative works of art by exploring ideas and recording their experiences along the way.

Ages 11 to 13
Ages 11 to 13

Key Stage 3 Years 7/8

Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Times: 9.30am to 2.30pm

Fees: £195 /month (£62 /week)

Students will now be working towards creating and developing skills and techniques which they will need for their GCSEs exams. They will be exposed to a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts. They will learn new vocabulary, make inferences from texts and use evidence to support their answers. Understand the purpose, audience and context for what they are writing. They will be exposed to a variety of figurative language techniques and understand how this, along with vocabulary, grammar, text structure and organisational features can present meaning. They will be able to recognise poetic conventions and make critical comparisons of different texts.
The Key Stage 3 Maths course is taught in a simple but logical way, building understanding and fundamentals of the new math curriculum. Using the same scheme of work throughout the key stages, this course will support future GCSE examination studies.

The Maths course has a truly differentiated structure so that it is accessible to all abilities. The emphasis on visible progression and engagement, along with direct links to online software, will bring maths alive.

The KS3 Science course meets the requirements of the National Curriculum. It provides students with an excellent introduction to the sciences and offers an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills required for further study at GCSE or IGCSE. The course follows an integrated and progressive approach to all three sciences.

Sports: Students are encouraged to be active, using their creativity and imagination in physical activities to learn new skills. Students communicate, collaborate and compete with each other, develop an understanding of how to succeed in different activities and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success. Students will consolidate their existing skills and gain new ones and perform actions and skills with more consistent control and quality.

Crafts: A highly engaging course, students are encouraged to inspire each other and challenge themselves, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Students critically develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design throughout the year and use a range of materials and techniques to create their own masterpieces. Working with different materials from wood, glass to clay, and engaging in a range of art techniques by using colour, patterns, texture and shape, students produce creative works of art by exploring ideas and recording their experiences along the way.

Ages 11 to 13
Ages 13 to 16

Key Stage 4: Years 9, 10 & 11

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Times: 9.30am to 2.30pm

Fees: £210 /month (£68 /week)

We have three different options when it comes to taking your GCSE’s at Blenducate and all options can be taken over a two or three year period:

Route 1: STANDARD – 5 GCSE’s

Year 1: Single Science, Maths, English Language, 1 Optional Subject: ie French, Arabic, Citizenship, Art

Year 2: Continuation of subjects from year 1. Single Science can be converted to Science Dual Award

Route 2: ACADEMIC – 5 to 7 GCSE’s

Year 1: Single Science, Maths, English Language, 1 Optional subject: French, Arabic, Citizenship or Art

Year 2: If student has completed: Single Science/Maths/English language in year one, they can take the following subjects:

  • Chemistry Single science
  • Physics Single science
  • English Literature
  • Continue with the second year of optional subject

Route 1: EXPRESS – 8 GCSE’s

Same as academic route, plus an additional optional GCSE subject.

Our English Language GCSE course has a 100% pass rate so far, with students achieving a higher than average grade for their age group.

Students will explore a wide range of extended fiction and non fiction literary text and will be exposed to a wide range of vocabulary, understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic techniques and conventions for both reading and writing. Students will follow a structured curriculum consisting of an in-depth study and analysis of anthology texts. They will be given exam technique advice and will be equipped with all the skills necessary skills and knowledge to pass their exam.

Students will be guided through a number of mathematical skills, including number, geometry, algebra and graph work. Everyday skills such as basic multiplication and money skills are also covered.

The International GCSE Maths course is tiered with a foundation and higher tier. The whole course is provided from start to finish. Students and parents will be supported by us to help choose which tier they wish to be examined in as they progress through the course.

Foundation Tier Modules Covered

  • 1: Numbers
  • 2: Money
  • 3: Measurement
  • 4: Basic Algebra
  • 5: Basic Geometry
  • 6: Further Geometry and Trigonometry; Probability
  • 7: Graph work and Statistics

Higher Tier

  • 8: Probability and Experimental Work
  • 9: Further Numbers and Equations
  • 10: Advanced Geometry and Trigonometry
  • 11: Further Graphwork, Statistics and Number Work
Students will be given the option to do either Single Sciences in Biology, Chemistry and Physics or a Science Double Award.

Science Double Award:

  • The Science IGCSE is a double award qualification, meaning it is worth two International GCSEs instead of one, this is because it combines the study of physics, chemistry and biology together in one handy course.

This qualification will equip students with a solid understanding of some of science’s core principles and theories.

Single Awards- Biology, Chemistry, Physics:

  • The Science single award qualifications mean they are all worth one International GCSE each, and in turn, also means there will be more content to cover.

We will work with students and parents to choose which qualification is best suited to them, this will be decided as they progress through the course.

Practicals: Throughout the courses, there will be a mixture of both theoretical and practical science.

Although there is no practical examination for the IGCSEs, the exams will include written questions on practical based study.

Practical work helps to develop a student’s skills for the practical-based components of the theory exams, we will aim to carry out most of the practical components within the courses, subject to equipment and facilities available.

Core basics of the French Language will be taught, including greetings and introductions, students will be challenged to develop a clear understanding of how the French language is structured. This will allow students to fully understand its distinctive peculiarities and grammar, rather than memorising phrases and sayings. Students will also develop their speaking and listening skills, giving them the confidence they need to test out their conversational abilities in real-time.
Ages 13 to 16
Ages 13 to 16

Key Stage 4: Years 9, 10 & 11

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Times: 9.30am to 2.30pm

Fees: £210 /month (£68 /week)

We have three different options when it comes to taking your GCSE’s at Blenducate and all options can be taken over a two or three year period:

Route 1: STANDARD – 5 GCSE’s

Year 1: Single Science, Maths, English Language, 1 Optional subject: ie French, Arabic, Citizenship, Art

Year 2: Continuation of subjects from year 1. Single Science can be converted to Science Dual Award

Route 2: ACADEMIC – 5 to 7 GCSE’s

Year 1: Single Science, Maths, English Language, 1 Optional subject: French, Arabic, Citizenship or Art

Year 2: If student has completed: Single Science/Maths/English language in year one, they can take the following subjects:

  • Chemistry Single science
  • Physics Single science
  • English Literature
  • Continue with the second year of optional subject

Route 1: EXPRESS – 8 GCSE’s

Same as academic route, plus an additional optional GCSE subject.

Our English Language GCSE course has a 100% pass rate so far, with students achieving a higher than average grade for their age group.

Students will explore a wide range of extended fiction and non fiction literary text and will be exposed to a wide range of vocabulary, understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic techniques and conventions for both reading and writing. Students will follow a structured curriculum consisting of an in-depth study and analysis of anthology texts. They will be given exam technique advice and will be equipped with all the skills necessary skills and knowledge to pass their exam.

Students will be guided through a number of mathematical skills, including number, geometry, algebra and graph work. Everyday skills such as basic multiplication and money skills are also covered.

The International GCSE Maths course is tiered with a foundation and higher tier. The whole course is provided from start to finish. Students and parents will be supported by us to help choose which tier they wish to be examined in as they progress through the course.

Foundation Tier Modules Covered

  • 1: Numbers
  • 2: Money
  • 3: Measurement
  • 4: Basic Algebra
  • 5: Basic Geometry
  • 6: Further Geometry and Trigonometry; Probability
  • 7: Graph work and Statistics

Higher Tier

  • 8: Probability and Experimental Work
  • 9: Further Numbers and Equations
  • 10: Advanced Geometry and Trigonometry
  • 11: Further Graphwork, Statistics and Number Work
Students will be given the option to do either Single Sciences in Biology, Chemistry and Physics or a Science Double Award.

Science Double Award:

  • The Science IGCSE is a double award qualification, meaning it is worth two International GCSEs instead of one, this is because it combines the study of physics, chemistry and biology together in one handy course.

This qualification will equip students with a solid understanding of some of science’s core principles and theories.

Single Awards- Biology, Chemistry, Physics:

  • The Science single award qualifications mean they are all worth one International GCSE each, and in turn, also means there will be more content to cover.

We will work with students and parents to choose which qualification is best suited to them, this will be decided as they progress through the course.

Practicals: Throughout the courses, there will be a mixture of both theoretical and practical science.

Although there is no practical examination for the IGCSEs, the exams will include written questions on practical based study.

Practical work helps to develop a student’s skills for the practical-based components of the theory exams, we will aim to carry out most of the practical components within the courses, subject to equipment and facilities available.

Core basics of the French Language will be taught, including greetings and introductions, students will be challenged to develop a clear understanding of how the French language is structured. This will allow students to fully understand its distinctive peculiarities and grammar, rather than memorising phrases and sayings. Students will also develop their speaking and listening skills, giving them the confidence they need to test out their conversational abilities in real-time.
Ages 13 to 16


Providing a safe and nurturing learning environment Blenducate allows for students to grow and develop, we do this by ensuring and abiding by the following:

Providing a safe and nurturing learning environment Blenducate allows for students to grow and develop, we do this by ensuring and abiding by the following:

  • Staff DBS Certified

  • Safe & Secure Environment

  • Experienced Staff

  • Confidentiality

  • Ofsted Registered

  • Linked to National Curriculum

  • Examination Centre

  • Elective Home Ed Support


accredited institution

We are an accredited academic institution licensed to deliver a regulated curriculum, examinations and Ofqual qualifications.

We are an accredited academic institution licensed to deliver a regulated curriculum, examinations and Ofqual qualifications.

Ofsted – GOV.UK
Blenducate is Ofsted registered. Please see registration on Ofsted via Government website here

UK Registered Learning Provider
Blenducate is a registered learning provider. Please refer to UKRLP Government website. UKPRN: 10058020